- New deforestation data. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has risen 59.5% in the four years that Bolsonaro has been in power, according to the latest Prodes satellite data from the National Institute for Space Research which showed that 11,568 square kilometers was cleared in the twelve months until 31 July, 2022.
- The impact of cattle ranching. By 2030, cattle ranching is on course to deforest 10,000 square kilometers, an area equivalent to the size of Ireland, every year, according to a study covered by Repórter Brasil.
- US plans tough sanctions against deforesters. The United States is considering sanctions against Amazon deforesters, which would be a more aggressive approach than its current climate strategy, Reuters reports.
- Europe plans tough controls on deforestation. The European Union is discussing new laws that would strictly monitor wood-imports and punish companies that sell products linked to deforestation. Repórter Brazil examines how this would work.
- Indigenous support for new EU deforestation-free products law. Kuaimbú, a member of the Uru-eu-wau-wau Indigenous community, writes a column in al Jazeera supporting the European Union’s plans for tough new regulations on the trade in forest products and says they should include a provision to block anything linked to violence against indigenous people
- Brazilian state blamed in Bruno and Dom murder. The Brazilian state shares some blame for the deaths of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips because it failed to establish a protective presence for the indigenous communities in the Javari Valley, according to a report by the Chamber of Deputies, covered by Amazônia Real

Demonstration in front of the Manaus offices of Funai, Brazil’s federal agency for indigenous affairs. Photo: Alberto César Araújo/Amazônia Real.
- Lula seeks US, UK cash for Amazon. Brazilian President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is asking the United States, Britain, France, Switzerland and Canada to join Norway and Germany in donating to the Amazon Fund, which aims to protect the rainforest, Reuters reports
- French banks allegedly funding Amazon clearance. Four French banks – BNP Paribas, Banque Populaire et Caisse d’Épargne, Société Générale e Crédit Agricole – are accused of providing 4.2 billion reais to finance deforestation in the Amazon and Cerrado regions, reports Carta Capital.